Tuesday, December 31, 2024

1st Half Final Information

by Zuna Ashen 

    This next post will be the final one of the 1st half of the entire blog containing final information for it. The second half will be filled with more posts that shall give you answers. Get ready for a brand new entry that will blow your mind. 

YouTube Channel:

    The upcoming YouTube channel will have our insane adjacent skibidi series which is joining all the other youtubers in the arc. Our skibidi toilet series will replace another youtuber who is ending his skibidi toilet series whom I know his name is Mr. DOM. As a citizen of the Hogloth's I serve the Secret Agent in things going insane for the series. The other youtubers shall thus get to know our series secret agent youtuber Mr. Glothrod. The analysis youtubers shall analyze our episodes and every other youtubers skibidi episodes. The YouTube channel shall come out after Mr. DOM releases his final episode I must say that the first episode of our adjacent series shall drop the week after Mr. DOM has finished his series. 

Oracle Decks: 

    The Oracle Decks are the 270 cards going with our known game called Skibidi Wrath. The oracle decks are all the characters of titan gallery's 1 through 5 including secret hyperlinks to there YouTube video and X1s, X2s X3s, X4s and X5s. Skibidi Wrath is a board game where you have to defeat a certain boss. You get 7 random cards that all have different abilities because there's 270 cards. For example: Titan TV man: Abilities: energy blade slash, red screen, and more cards that will show you what abilities they have.  

Dr. Futurity's Family Tree Finals 

Dr. Frostoturity: On the team of the ice skibidi toilets. 
Dr. Burnoturity: On the team of the fire skibidi toilets. 
Dr. Acidoturity: On the team of the acid skibidi toilets. 
Dr. Galactoturity: On the team of the cosmic astro toilets. 

Extra Information: 

     Our Dominion history series in the 2nd half of this blog is going to continue with Dominion History 8 and beyond. Our series will have insane shorts with all skibidi toilet youtubers and my boss doing random things like Uno Tournaments and Holiday Specials. Our series will have 300 episodes, 6 arcs, 3 ages, 30 chapter books, 6 volumes and 1 game. We shall also do songs. When a new character appears in the series, we will do a song of him on the music YouTube channel. Our boss and his 2 assistants will appear in the series at some point in any arc. My boss may have 2 assistants, but he has a 3rd. The 3rd assistant yet remains unnamed. 
The Hogloths are yet to be the secret team that know one knows about. They might join the alliance or they might join the APDH. SUBLO the secret organization of alliance members living in the underground prime dominion. Secret identities, remote locations, meetings, trials, initials and ominous secrets also will be in our series. Dark forces (APDH) shall join with commander and terrorizing to everyone. The Astro Toilets, villains of justice against G-Man Toilet. Parasites infecting and hypnotism. Ancient Egypt and civilizations in arc 4. New dominions in arc 5. There is also a dark fate whom is known as Sinister Titan Computer Man in the final season of arc 6. There is also a intro in our series that is gonna be every episode. APDH, Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows, the ones that want to take control of the universe. The Aliens, they have many powerful titans and they abduct, and their commander is Alpha. The Pharaohs, the ones who are ancient and have ancient powers. There's also upgraded versions of the pharaoh skibidi toilets who I hear they have powers of the ancient gods. They're commander is the Egyptian Queen. There's also a few evil powerful titans with the pharaohs and pharaoh skibidis.  Demons, monsters living in the Dark Prime Dominion with their master the demon king and a few powerful evil titans. The Hollows, whom I hear do experiments on the Arculiars and their eyes are creepy white, they're commander is the Hollow Lord. There's also a few powerful evil titans by their side in the APDH organization. The master, the leader of them all. His identity is secret when he is on earth and the ultimate enemy along with Sinister Titan Computer Man in the series. There is also the Demonic Prophecy. 

The War has begun 
Darkness shall prevail
Heroes will fall 
Evil shall be free
The Fate of the world is upon us
The Master shall destroy all other dominions
The world will be in the dark prime dominion of its darkest deepest depths of Tartarus
Our only hope is the lord of heaven. 

This Prophecy is the one the alliance must fulfill and stop evil. This is everything in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse and it is about to begin! 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Secret Dominion

 By Zuna Ashen 

    This next post will explain about the Secret Dominion and how it is the realm if my boss. This is also the penultimate post that I shall put on this blog known as Titans Foundation. Get ready for a brand new entry that will blow your mind. 

   The Secret Dominion is a world that nobody ever knows about. You have to go around ganymede one single time to get to this realm. Our skibidi adjacent series has 4 teams, the alliance, skibidi toilets, astro toilets and the APDH but there is a secret team living in the Secret Prime Dominion that no one ever knows about 

The Hogloths: 

   The Hogloths are the secret team that is an entire race living in a kingdom in the Secret Prime Dominion. They are known to be a secret team that the alliance, skibidi toilets, astro toilets, and the APDH. I am one of the Hogloths because Zuna Ashen is actually living in the Secret Prime Dominion with the Hogloths. Our king has said that we have not chosen a side yet, so no one knows about us. The king of the Hogloths is a shapeshifter along with his assistant. There is a second assistant that possibly could be in our series who's name I shall not tell you. The Hogloths are also known as "The Secret People." The king of the Hogloths is the owner of the dominion and has a name that has been the author of the dominion history series 7 times. This shapeshifter is also the father of Dr. Futurity and all the other 999 dominion owners. The secret agent shapeshifter is known as Glothrod and has a secret name that I shan't tell you. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Dominion History 7

 by Zuna Ashen 

   This next post will talk about the 7th and final installment of the dominion history series. 15 dominions in the series we know about but the other 985 dominions are unknown but will appear in the series. Get ready for a brand new entry talking about the final 2 dominions of our dominion history series. Stay informed when a new blog comes out to tell us about the other 985 dominions that are out there. 

Acid Prime Dominion: 

   The Acid Prime Dominion is a endless ocean of acid with a ton of islands that are acidproof. Anyone going to the acid prime dominion would get fried to a skeleton in this place. The Acid Prime Dominion has a kingdom. The kingdom is called the acid kingdom and the king is the 6th member of the titan squad known as the Acid Titan. All acid versions of the alliance live in this realm and are also acidproof. This realm is also crawling with acid skibidi toilets. The acid skibidi toilets have been in many battles against the Acid Kingdom. The Acid Prime Dominion also has temples under the miserable ocean of acid. Some which I heard belong to the acid skibidi toilet empire, others for the acid titan. The Acid Prime Dominion has know nickname as we know. Stay informed to figure it out in a future post. The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Acidoturity. Dr. Acidoturity is the king of this acid ocean world as I know. Dr. Acidoturity has acid powers and a pretty powerful character in the Skibidiverse. His team is unknown, but I shall know in a future post. To get to the Acid Prime Dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 15 times. Dr. Acidoturity is going to be a character in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in the middle of arc 5. 

Cosmic Prime Dominion: 

    The Cosmic Prime Dominion is a infinite world of space. No planets to worlds ever exist here. This world has asteroid planets that things can be built on. The Cosmic Prime Dominion has 3 kingdoms of the stars and cosmos. One of the kingdoms of this galactic world is ruled by the 10th member of the titan squad known as the cosmic titan. The 2nd kingdom is ruled by the 9th member of the titan squad known as the star titan whom I heard his people and him collaborated with the sun clockmen for years. The 3rd kingdom in this world of cosmos is inhabited by a type of the astro toilets known as cosmic astro toilets. Cosmic astro toilets have a empire of their own, the same powers as astro toilets and much more strong than normal astro toilets. The Cosmic Prime Dominion is also known as "The Galaxy Realm." The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Galactoturity. Dr. Galactoturity is the brother of his 999 other brothers (15 whom you already know about.) Dr. Galactoturity is the king of this known galaxy realm. Dr. Galactoturity has powers of the cosmos and also another powerful character in the Skibidiverse. His team is unknown, but you shall know in a future post. To get to the Cosmic Prime Dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 16 times. Dr. Galactoturity is going to be a character in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in arc 6.  

Click below to read Dominion  History 8
    The Dominion History series has been finished for now, but there is still one other dominion to come ...

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Dominion History 6

by Zuna Ashen 

  This next ever entry is going to be the 6th installment of the dominion history series and also the 2nd to last part of it. Get ready for a brand new post in the dominion history series where you will receive information about 2 new dominions on this blog known as Titans Foundation. 

Arctic Prime Dominion: 

The Arctic Prime Dominion is an infinite world of ice. No fire can ever be lit here cause of how cold the frozen object is. This place is also known as "The Land of The North." The known alliance titan here is known as the ice titan who has his own kingdom of ice alliance members. The Arctic Prime Dominion is also crawling with ice skibidi toilets on the South of the frozen realm with their own kingdom and empire. The Ice alliance members have been in many battles with the ice skibidi toilets. This realm has the northern lights and a place where things might happen a lot like anomaly's to other worlds and more. The Middle of the realm in the middle of the blizzard, we have heard that the skibidi toilets have built a base called Larhondor which is area in our skibidi adjacent series where captured alliance members get experimented on by skibidi toilets. On the line into the north, the ice alliance members have built there own base known as Ghunelvor where there are ice alliance member bases all the way to the North kingdom where the Ice Titan lives. The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Frostoturity. Dr. Frostoturity is known as the King of The Frozen Realm. Dr. Frostoturity has ice powers and has inhabited the Arctic Prime Dominion for a long time. Dr. Frostoturity's team is unknown, remain informed in a future post to find out. Dr. Frostoturity is the known brother of his 999 other brothers (12 you whom you already know about.) To get to the Arctic Prime Dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 13 times. The Arctic Prime Dominion will first be a location in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse at the 1st season of age 2 and arc 3. 

Lava Prime Dominion: 

The Lava Prime Dominion is an infinite volcanic world of fire. No ice can ever be in here cause it will melt instantly. This place is also known as "The Fiery Earth." I have got the news that there is a kingdom of lava in this place and the titan owning the kingdom is known as the lava titan. The lava titan has his own kingdom with all alliance members that exist. He has his own lava versions of all alliance members. The kingdom's castle is a giant volcano with eruption weapons to shoot at enemies. This volcanic realm is also crawling with fire skibidi toilets who have there own kingdom and empire. The lava alliance members have been in a lot of battles with the fire skibidi toilets. The ground of this realm is made out of volcanic stone and lava oceans and rivers. No water can be poured here because it will melt instantly due to the fire skibidi toilets. The Lava Prime Dominion is one of the hottest sweatiest dominions of all so I suggest that you should were a cold coat so you can feel crispy if you ever went there. I have discovered that there is a event in the Lava Prime Dominion called "The Great Eruption." It is a event that happens every century where the volcanic realm erupts in lava. Everyone has to stay inside when it happens. The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Burnoturity. Dr. Burnoturity is known as "The King of The Fire Realm." Dr. Burnoturity has powerful fire power and has lived on the Lava Prime Dominion for a long time. Dr. Burnoturity's team is unknown. Remain notified in a future post. Dr. Burnoturity is the known brother of his 999 other brothers (13 whom you already know about.) To get to the Lava Prime Dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 14 times. The Lava Prime Dominion will be a location in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse at the end of the 3rd arc. 

Click below to read Dominion  History 7

Friday, December 27, 2024

The World of the Skibidiverse

by Zuna Ashen  

   This next post will explain about the world of the Skibidiverse and what's around in our galaxy and our dominions of this entire world and characters that us secret agents have seen before and give information about them. Get ready for a brand new entry that is coming to our blog known as Titans Foundation. 

     The world of the Skibidiverse has lots of different places and characters and we shall begin with giving information on them. In the Skibidiverse, there is different things everywhere because there's the language of the subprime dominion which made the Ibidiskverse where it is the alternate universe other than skibidi toilets and the portal connects to the subprime dominion. There's also the world of the ancient prime dominion with all the civilizations. Skibidi Toilets name could be translated into a language of the ancient prime dominion if there is one. Remain informed for answers in more posts of the blog. The Skibidiverse also has youtuber portals which are different colors. DaFuq's portal color is green, DOM studio's is yellow, Virlance's is purple and noskillclutch is orange. There's also MonsterUP who's portal color is lime and maxedy who's portal color is red. All of these portals lead to all the skibidi toilet series and is even possible where big fights in our skibidi adjacent series might have. The world of the Skibidiverse has a lot more information. Remain informed for answers to get on our blog. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Prophecies & Fates of The Triverse

 by Zuna Ashen 

   This next post will talk about fates in our skibidi adjacent series. Get ready for a brand new entry that talks about true prophecies and fates. 

   Every fantasy story contains a prophecy that is made where the fate of the world is in the main characters' hands. Our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse will have a huge prophecy and tons of fates. 

   The Prophecy in our fantasy adjacent series is known as: The Demonic Prophecy.  It foretells that the Alliance, Skibidi Toilets and Astro Toilets will face the Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows in a huge war.  These are the lines of the prophecy: 

The War has begun 
Darkness shall prevail
Heroes will fall 
Evil shall be free
The Fate of the world is upon us
The Master shall destroy all other dominions
The world will be in the dark prime dominion of its darkest deepest depths of Tartarus
Our only hope is the lord of heaven. 

   This is the Demonic Prophecy. The fate of the entire world rests in the robotics of the alliance and possibly with the help of the skibidi toilets and astro toilets.  Such are the irresistible forces of chaos and order intertwined repeatedly over the ages as to cause enough confusion to render the true picture most challenging for all to be capable of tuning into. 

   Appearances aren't always what they seem, or so the popular saying goes. Here at the Titans Foundation one thing has become absolutely clear to us secret agents running this blog. And that is that appearances never, by definition, end up being what they seem to be.  However it might be that you keep the faith, be sure to keep it well.  

Dr. Futurity's Family Tree

 by Zuna Ashen

   Every Dominion History post talks about all the brothers of Dr. Futurity and Dr. Buturity. This next post will talk about the teams that Dr. Futurity's and Dr. Buturity's brothers are on. Get ready for a brand new entry that will blow your mind with information on this blog known as Titans Foundation.  

Dr. Ancientoturity: On the team of the Egyptian Queen because he is her father
Dr. Hackoturity: On the team of the glitch skibidi toilets because he is the father of the glitch skibidi lord
Dr. Zapoturity: A known ally to the electric skibidi toilets because he is the father of the electric skibidi lord.  
Dr. Splashoturity: A ally to the scuba skibidi toilets because he is the father of the scuba skibidi lord
Dr. Magnetoturity: Associated with the magnet skibidi toilets because he is the father of the magnet  skibidi lord. 
Dr. Spacoturity: Ally to the astro toilets because he is the father of the astro toilet lord. 
Dr. Suboturity: Ally of the secret alliance organization known as SUBLO. 

   After the final installments on the dominion history series are done, we shall make the sequel to this post with the remaining brothers of Dr. Futurity and Dr. Buturity but 984 other brothers are what we don't know about and might appear in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse. Remain informed for these distinction's to come. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Secret Underground Alliance Organization

by Zuna Ashen

   This next post will talk about the secret underground organization living in their subterranean realm known as the Underground Prime Dominion. Get ready for a brand new Christmas day post that gives fresh information on the blog known as Titans Foundation. 

   In the Subterranean realm known as the underground prime dominion there is a secret organization of alliance members with bases everywhere. The secret organization is known as SUBLO (Subterranean Underground Buried Lark Organization.) SUBLO is also an organization of underground versions of the Alliance. Lemony Snicket made the secret organization of VFD and we have SUBLO. SUBLO owns all the mines and the secret tunnels and passageways that will be in our skibidi toilet series. SUBLO also made a book called "The Complete History of Secret Organizations."
Their original book could be found anywhere in our world if someone is the guardian of that book, it means they're a member of the secret organization known as SUBLO. Members of this subterranean organization could be anywhere because some members are at the prime dominion, some are at the sub prime dominion, and some are still at the underground prime dominion. Members of SUBLO could be found at different locations in the prime dominion, sub prime dominion and the underground prime dominion. SUBLO is what the alliance might know about and the book will first appear in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in arc 2!              Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dominion History 5

 by Zuna Ashen

   Get ready for a brand new Christmas eve post that is going to be the 5th installment of the "Dominion History" series. Get ready for the post that is getting you information about two new dominions on the blog known as Titans Foundation 

Astro Prime Dominion: 

   The Astro Prime Dominion is the world of endless outer space and a infinite world of planets. This dominion is crawling with the astro toilets who are villains of justice against skibidi toilets and alliance members. Every planet on this dominion has been invaded by them. The astro prime dominion is also known as: "The Solar World." The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Spacoturity. Dr. Spacoturity is the Lord of the space realm and has 999 other brothers (10 of them you know about so far but there is more people owning more dominions.) Dr. Spacoturity's team is unknown. Stay informed when we write a future post about it. To get to the astro prime dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 11 times. This place will be a location in arcs 5 or 6. 

Underground Prime Dominion: 

   The Underground Prime Dominion is a infinite subterranean realm. There is know place where you see the sky in this huge place. It is also the home of a secret organization of alliance members who's name is unknown but we might know in a future post. The underground prime dominion has known to be a place with secret tunnels and passageways for the secret organization to wander around. This place is also similar to the sub prime dominion because it is even more subterranean than the sub prime dominion. This realm is also known as: The Sub Passageways." The secret organization living in it has a secret base that the alliance might find in their journey to defeat the skibidi toilets and there virus. The known owner of this subterranean realm is known as Dr. Suboturity. Dr. Suboturity is the King of this underground world. This dominion has always been around and Dr. Suboturity is the king. Dr. Suboturity has 999 other brothers (11 you know about so far.) Dr. Suboturity's team is unknown but we will know in a future post. To get to the Underground Prime Dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 12 times. This realm is going to first appear in our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in arc 2! 

Click below to read Dominion  History 6

Monday, December 23, 2024

Holiday Episodes

by Zuna Ashen 

   This next post will explain the holiday episodes that will be on the upcoming YouTube channel. 
Get ready for a brand new posts in Titans Foundation that will give some insane information on our new series joining all other skibidi toilet youtubers. 

  Our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse has 300 episodes and it might go on until the year 2027 or 2028. 
We might put some holiday episodes for our series on the upcoming YouTube channel. When it gets close to any holiday, we will have a holiday episode special. These include: Halloween specials, Thanksgiving specials, Christmas specials, Easter specials, St Patrick's day specials and all holidays that exist in this world right now. 

   In the Skibidiverse, the alliance celebrates holidays like Halloween for trick or treating adventures and Christmas of the hero spirit inside their bodies. The Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows do not celebrate holidays cause how evil they are. Same for Skibidi Toilets and Astro Toilets. 

The holiday episodes will include adventures against skibidi toilets to save holidays. 

Stay tuned for further information in the future posts of Titans Foundation! 



Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Ages

By Zuna Ashen 

  This post will talk about the ages and how they are similar to the ARCS. Get ready for this insane new post on Titans Foundation. 

  The Ages are what I mentioned in the ARCS post. The ages are something way different from arcs. 
The ages are when 2 arcs pass for example: A age has passed like the 1st to 4th ages in lord of the rings. 

Our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse has 3 Ages besides the 6 arcs:

1st Age: Episodes 1-100
2nd Age: Episodes 101-200
3rd Age: Episodes 201-300 

  The 4th Age will happen if there is a Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse 2 I could make on my upcoming YouTube channel in the future (If I wanted to.)  The Ages are also known as Century episodes because each one will pass at episodes 100, 200 and 300.

Stay tuned for further information in the posts of Titans Foundation. 

Analysis YouTubers

 By Zuna Ashen 

    This next post is explaining everything about the analysis youtubers and how they analyze any skibidi toilet series. Get ready for this brand new post in Titans Foundation. 

    The Analysis YouTubers are people that analyze the skibidi toilet series. They're the ones finding all the secrets and Easter eggs in the recent episodes of any series like Original Skibidi toilet or Skibidi toilet Multiverse, Skibidi Wars, Zombie Universe, also NoSkillClutches's reversed series where skibidi toilets are on alliance members body's and alliance members are in toilets, or the skibidi saga animations by the YouTuber Maxedy. 

     There are a lot of these secret hunting people analyzing the series. They include, Elite Cameraman, IsoToilet, Dattebayo who analyze the original series, Elite Clockman, Elite Clockwoman, and IsoChad who analyze the skibidi toilet multiverse series. There is also IsoToilet's relative who is known as Teliotosi which is IsoToilet spelled backwards and Teliotosi analyzes every other series like Skibidi Wars, Skibidi Multiverse (NoSkillClutch.) As well as Zombie Universe and Skibidi Saga and a lot more series. Mobi is another analysis YouTuber who analyzes the original series and the multiverse series. 

    Our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse possibly could be analyzed by some analysis youtubers. Because Teliotosi analyzes every other skibidi series, its possible for him to analyze our series. The analysis youtubers are also the characters that will appear in our series not that often but they are also servants of the secret agent. They live in the secret dominion with the secret agent and sometimes when the YouTubers are in the series, they can cause trouble like free Sinister or kill Alliance members. Stay tuned to Titans Foundation to get more answers as the skibidi apocalypse continues to unfold before our eyes.  

         Analysis YouTubers watching one of their allies destroying the Clock Tower in Skibidi Multiverse

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Funny Bloopers Episode Shorts and What if's

by ZAL 

   This post will talk about the funny episode bloopers and what if's that will be on shorts for our YouTube Channel!

   The Bloopers are the short versions of episodes that our absolutely hilarious! Bloopers are basically going to be all episodes and their parts but shorts and also super funny! The episode bloopers are gonna be all episodes and their parts 1-300. 

   The what if's are a series of shorts that will be happening after arc 3. The what if's are also known as: A Series of Alternate Events just like the glitchline series that I talked about in the previous post. What if's include: What If Titan Computer Man was not defeated or What If Titan Phone Man got infected. This  series of funny blooper shorts and what if's are going to be amazing. Stay tuned for more information in the final future posts of Titans Foundation. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Special Episodes & Flashbacks and Glitchlines + Deleted Scenes

 by ZAL 

   The special episodes are mostly secret scenes and cool flashbacks. There also Deleted scenes that's happening in the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse. In our series, there are 30 special episodes including secret scenes from previous episodes and deleted scenes. 

   Our series has tons of special episodes, even glitchline's. The glitchline's are the series that are alternate events that happen in the series. We will receive the 1st one around arcs 4 or 5. There is going to be 5 episodes for the glitchline scenes. The special episodes will turn up after all the episode numbers that end with a 7 (7-297) Flashbacks are also gonna be in our series which are mostly gonna be origin stories and backstories. The deleted scenes are not going to appear that much but the deleted scenes of special episodes or normal episodes will appear in shorts to give the analysis youtubers clues! These scenes are going to give clues to the analysis youtubers because they search for Easter eggs and more! This will also give information to the secret agents. There names are still unknown but they can be found in a future post in this blog or the Book Of Triverse as well as there upcoming YouTube channel. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dominion History 4

by  Zuna Ashen 

   This is our 4th installment on the series of Dominion History of locations that will be in the Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse. You are getting 2 new dominions today and they are one of the most insane ones yet. Read on and stay tuned for further developments in the 5th installment and more!

Water Prime Dominion: 

The water prime dominion is the world with no land. It is an endless underwater region in an infinite ocean. The only way to breathe air is in the monuments of this underwater world. This underwater region is crawling with water skibidi toilets from the scuba skibidi empire. No phonemen would ever go here because it's their worst nightmare and weakness. The phonemen can't touch water or else their systems will get destroyed and the water skibidi toilets could splash the phonemen to death. Across the underwater empire, there are submerged monuments that belong to scuba skibidi toilets. The owner of the infinite ocean region is known as Dr. Splashoturity. Dr. Splashoturity is the King of the water prime dominion and sibling to his 999 other brothers. Dr. Splashoturity's team is unknown, but stay tuned as we make further discoveries and report them to you. The water prime dominion is gonna be a location for the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in Arc 5. to get to the water prime dominion, you have to go around Ganymede 9 times. 

Magnet Prime Dominion: 

The magnet prime dominion is the dominion of magnets and magnet towers. The magnet prime dominion is a region of magnets and an absolute nightmare for a clockman or a computerman because magnets take away clockmen and computer men's powers. The magnet prime dominion is crawling with magnet skibidi toilets strewn and recollected from the magnet skibidi empire. There are rumored to be magnet toilets stronger than the magnet skibidi himself. The magnets are either red or blue (multiverse colors) or green and yellow or purple and orange. The magnet prime dominion is also known as the Land of Collideness. The owner of this insane world is known as Dr. Magnetoturity.  Dr. Magnetoturity is the king of the magnet prime dominion and very powerful with his colliding magnet powers. Dr. Magnetoturity is the brother of all his other 999 brothers. His team is unknown but stay tuned as new data streams in. The magnet prime dominion is gonna be a location in the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in Arc 5. To get to the magnet prime dominion you have to go around Ganymede 10 times. 

Click below to read Dominion  History 5

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dominion History 3

 by  Zuna Ashen 

This is the 3rd installment of the dominion history series for our known series the Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse. Prepare yourself for 2 more new dominions that are gonna be in the series and they are insane locations. 

Glitch Prime Dominion: 

The glitch prime dominion is the known dominion which is a absolute nightmare for the alliance race known as the computermen. The glitch prime dominion is a purple steamy world crawling with glitch skibidi toilets. There is even glitch skibidis stronger than the leader known as the hacker skibidi. If any alliance member ever went there then they would get hacked and vanish is purple smoke that signaled that any victim had been hacked out of existence. To get to this GL-itchy dominion, you have to go around ganymede 7 times. The known owner of this dominion is known as Dr. Hackoturity. Dr. Hackoturity is the owner of the glitch prime dominion and the father of the king of the glitch dominion. Dr. Hackoturity is one of the brothers of all the rest of his 6 brothers and has 993 other brothers. Dr. Hackoturity's team is unknown but we will know soon! The glitch prime dominion is gonna be a location for the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse in Arc 5!

Electric Prime Dominion: 

The electric prime dominion is the lightning realm and home of all electric skibidi toilet empires. this dominion is where a lot of electrocution happens and one of the most burning dominions of all dominions. This is where a radiomen's nightmare would be. the electric skibidis could zap there victim to death in this place of LIGHT-ning and Thunderr! To get to this Stormy place is 8 times around ganymede. The owner of this dominion is Dr. Zapoturity. Dr. Zapoturity is the one with electric powers other than his 992 other brothers and his team is unknown but we will figure it out! This dominion is another location for the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse for Arc 5! 

Click below to read Dominion  History 4

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Dominion History 2

 by  Zuna Ashen

   Everyone knows there is a armada of dominions out there. This series of the posts of dominion history continues in this post Dominion History 2 

Futuristic Prime Dominion:

This dominion is the one that our heroes (The Alliance) will be traveling to. Everything in this dominion is futuristic. futuristic alliance members, buildings and vehicles. The futuristic titan is the leader of the futuristic alliance members. You have to go around ganymede 5 times to get to this dominion. The owner of this robotic dominion is none other than Dr. Futurity! Dr. Futurity is the villain who has been fighting professor ferocity. But Dr. Futurity might not be the villain because he owns his robotic dominion where the futuristic alliance members live. Dr. Futurity might help with fighting the APDH, Dr. Buturity or Dr. Guturity. Dr. Futurity has over 999 brothers and his father is unknown. Stay informed when we figure out who it is in any other post. 

Ancient Prime Dominion: 

The ancient prime dominion is the dominion of all ancient civilizations. This Dominion is 6 mega squares. Each square is every ancient civilization. All the civilizations in this dominion include Ancient Egypt, a location in the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse where the Egyptian Cursed Queen and her Egyptian Titan and Pharaoh skibidis live. There is also Ancient Mesopotamia, a location that could possibly be in the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse, The Prehistoric Realm, the place where all dinosaur skibidis and our former alliance members, the rockmen. There is also Ancient Greece, the civilization of Gods and Olympic Alliance members and skibidi toilets for the Skibidiverse and also a possible place for our series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse. There is also Ancient Rome and the Mayans. Rome is the civilization of Gods and warrior skibidi toilets and alliance members for the Skibidiverse.  The Mayans are the civilization of  Forest Alliance members and skibidi toilets. Each civilization map is 500 steps long to get to another civilization. To get to this dominion, you have to go around ganymede 6 times. The owner of this old dominion is known as Dr. Ancientoturity is the owner of the ancient prime dominion and the brother of Dr. Futurity, Buturity, Huturity and Guturity. He is a time traveler and a neutral character in the series. We do not know which team he is on. Stay tuned to find out. 

Click below to read Dominion  History 3

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Alliance Mythology

 by Zuna Ashen 

The Alliance Mythology: 

The alliance mythology is about the history of Arglonio who is the god of the alliance and the king of his civilization of computermen. Arglonio had 2 children named Harvoth and Gorloth. The moment when Arglonio taught his children about the alliance, Harvoth really wanted to help the alliance. Gorloth also wanted to do the same but something happened that changed everything. The evil Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows (APDH) attacked. Everyone in the computermen civilization fought for their lives. Harvoth pressed a button in his home that released normal computermen to the real world to help the alliance in the real world. Harvoth and Gorloth kept fighting until something tragic happened. Gorloth was captured by the APDH. Harvoth tried his best to save his brother by following the APDH where they were taking Gorloth. Soon Harvoth saw the APDH with Gorloth in really creepy woods. In the middle of the woods was a field where the APDH were. There was a demonic circle. The APDH put him in the demonic circle and the most tragic thing happened. Harvoth watched in horror as his own brother transformed into a evil titan version of himself. Gorloth was not himself anymore, he was now known as Sinister Titan Computer Man, a evil demonic titan that was really overpowered. Harvoth tried to stop his brother but Sinister ended up killing his own father. (Arglonio)  Harvoth went back to his home and saw most of the civilization had been burned to ashes. Luckily he still remembered the secret titan maker room under his entire home. He went down there without his brother knowing. Harvoth pressed the titan maker button and he became the Super Angel computerman titan. Harvoth confronted Sinister and trapped him way beneath the computer tower and put that computer tower in the real world. If the computer tower was destroyed, then sinister titan computer man himself would be free and the world would be destroyed. Sinister Titan Computer Mans main goal was to take control of the triverse. Sinister is the known final enemy at the end of the series of Skibidi Toilet X1 Triverse Season 30 of arc 6. Sinister Titan Computerman is the evil demonic version of the normal titan computerman. 



Monday, December 9, 2024

Secret Characters Plot


   Dr. Futurity has been battling the hero professor Ferocity for a long time. There is also Dr.  Futurity's evil twin known as Dr. Buturity who is much more evil than Futurity who lives on the subPrime Dominion with a titan of his own known as the subPrime Dominion titan. If professor Ferocity or dr. Futurity or dr. Buturity wants to go to the subprime dominion or back, they must go around Ganymede 3 times. Dr. Buturity could be seen at some point in any arc or any episode because he is so hard to spot and is one of the primary allies to the APDH (Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows.) He is one of the known enemies in the Skibidiverse and very overpowering in his ability to manipulate, coerce and dominate. 


Dominion History

by  Zuna Ashen  

There may be the subprime dominion you guess, but you are wrong; there's a whole Armada of dominions out there. We're not going to put all of them in here quite yet because that would be a very long post, so we're only putting 2 up. 

The Aether Prime Dominion: 

The Aether Prime Dominion is another dominion which is a heavenly land where the God of the alliance who is known as Arglonio lives there with his civilization of computermen. The founder of this dominion is known as Dr. Huturity. Dr. Huturity was one of the most innocent, kind and a noble personages, apart from his brothers (Dr. Futurity and Buturity). Dr. Huturity had lived on his heaven land as the father of Arglonio for over 9,000,000 years, until he was murdered by another of his own brothers, Dr. Guturity, the leader of the Evil APDH organization. To get to this place, you need to go around Ganymede 4 times. Dr.  Huturity could possibly be in the series as a noble and good person in the Skibidiverse.  

The Dark Prime Dominion: 

The Dark Prime Dominion is the sinister and terrifying world where darkness always remains. This dominion is the land of the APDH (Alien Pharaoh Demon Hollows) where the evilest chaos happens. The known founder of this dominion is Dr. Guturity, the one who is 1000 times worse than Dr. Buturity. Dr. Guturity has 3 brothers who are Futurity, Buturity and Huturity. Dr. Guturity hates his brother Dr. Huturity for living in a heaven land and so was driven to kill his brother. Dr. Guturity is the father of the Master, and he's the one who started the APDH organization. 9,000,000 years later, Dr. Guturity kills Huturity, who died at the age of 9,000,001. 

Click below to read Dominion  History 2

the ARCS

  The Arcs are like the Ages  from  Lord of the Rings.  For example, The end of something, the start of the new beginning. ARCS can also mean good and bad arcs like for example someone began there good arc and ended their villain Arc. 

The entire series of skibidi toilet X1 TRIVERSE has 6 arcs of ages:

Arc 1: Episodes 1-50
Arc 2: Episodes 51-100
Arc 3: Episodes 101-150
Arc 4: Episodes 151-200
Arc 5: Episodes 201-250
Arc 6: Episodes 251-300

TITANS XI preview

 by Zuna Ashen 

     A coterie of contributors working at PLASMA PRESS  are excited to introduce the mystifying new world of the subPrime dominion, the so-called Land of Could Have Been, where it's rumored we each have our own analog, but cannot meet physically due to a certain repellent/counteractive magnetic polarity at work. 

     This universe exists in time, notably the only setting for the wild accounts which are to be related concerning the adventures of Professor Ferocity and his dedicated crew, the Phenomenal Five, along with various companions and associates along the way, who stumble upon the subPrime dominion during their exploits with Dr. Futurity on a relentless quest to meet his subPrime doppelganger, who goes as Dr. Buturity in that alternatively developed world which mirrors our own in counterintuitive, unexpected ways.  

    It should come as no surprise that we've sketched out our series of 30 volumes, comprised of three 10-set editions.  Each book is likely to be between sixty to ninety pages, more or less, with around seventeen to twenty 3-to-5 page chapters, print on demand perfect bound six inch by nine inch glossy paperbacks.  The covers of these POD paperbacks are a key feature of the developing narrative, for they represent key characters and scenes from complicated events which crossed over to our world from subprime dominions undreamed of.   


The Origins of The Hogloths

By Meno Zonae      This next post will talk about the origins of the secret team of Hogloths that live in the Secret Dominion. I, Meno Zonae...